Oct 12 2023 – Mar 21 2024 all-day
Local Exhibit
The Poly Salon is an opportunity for members to share and discuss images they are working on.
Perhaps you do not like judges and/or image competition.
Perhaps you just want to discuss images you are working on.
Perhaps you just would like to ask other members what they might offer to improve an image.
Well, the Poly Photo Salon is for you!
Likely, the key word is discussion. Judges may (or may not) offer up enough discussion on an image. It is just one person’s thoughts, after all.
The Poly Salon has had some very interesting discussions, in fact.
Submit up the Three (3) images by the Friday before the Saturday Salon by 5PM.Image size: max dimensions 1080 pixels tall (the horizontal will size accordingly). sRGB, JPEGs.Naming convention: Salon-Last Name-Month-#.jpg. Example Salon-Smith-Jul-01.jpg (or 02 or 03).Email to the usual: polyentries@yahoo.com SUBJECT LINE – Salon
The Poly Salon is an opportunity for members to share and discuss images they are working on.
Perhaps you do not like judges and/or image competition.
Perhaps you just want to discuss images you are working on.
Perhaps you just would like to ask other members what they might offer to improve an image.
Well, the Poly Photo Salon is for you!
Likely, the key word is discussion. Judges may (or may not) offer up enough discussion on an image. It is just one person’s thoughts, after all.
The Poly Salon has had some very interesting discussions, in fact.
Submit up the Three (3) images by the Friday before the Saturday Salon by 5PM.Image size: max dimensions 1080 pixels tall (the horizontal will size accordingly). sRGB, JPEGs.Naming convention: Salon-Last Name-Month-#.jpg. Example Salon-Smith-Jul-01.jpg (or 02 or 03).Email to the usual: polyentries@yahoo.com SUBJECT LINE – Salon