I enjoy travel and outdoor “views from the road” photography.
I got my first camera in the mid-1950s (a Kodak 35, I think it was), and for years was a “casual” photographer. Then I started getting serious about flower photography. Now I focus on flowers, wildlife, landscape, and astrophotography. Not yet at the award-winning level, but my photography is getting better; and I appreciate feedback on photos.
My work has won many awards and I have done many private events, fine art photography, artistic nude, landscape, and studio work. I enjoy doing macro, sports and nature photography and being creative. I like learning about photography in any aspect. Maybe one day I will open my own gallery.
I can sum up my photography as “it’s all personal” whether it is in the form of architectural shapes, nature’s forms, or people going about their lives. My creativity and preference for black & white images has been influenced by iconic photographers such as Minor White, Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Margaret Bouke White, Dorothea Lange to name a few.
I am a landscape photographer, who has been honing my skills for the past seven years. I have won a few awards and have had my work on display at the Del Mar Fair the last four years prior to the Pandemic.
I specialize in capturing the beauty in nature, whether that be through her landscapes, flowers, or birds. My work has been shown and awarded at the International Exhibition of Photography at the San Diego Fair, has been a finalist in the International Color Awards, and published in California Gardens Magazine.
I am a lifelong photo enthusiast, but became more serious in my photographic pursuits after my retirement in 2020. I particularly enjoy capturing the beauty in nature, the striking patterns and visual elements of the built environment, and the interesting details/special moments found in everyday life.
I constantly experiment with digital alchemy to distinguish my work. Ideas begin as thoughts of what can be, never what is. And as I work, the boundaries between reality and fantasy are criss-crossed until they blur beyond recognition. In the end only the way an image makes us feel is important. Hopefully I will make you feel something to remember.
A love of nature through camping and hiking drew me to photography. I tried creating images that would draw viewers in. Waterfalls and ocean scenes are my favorites. When I see an unusual technique I have to try it. Currently, black and white images are my passion. I have many Fair awards thanks to membership in Poly Photo Club.
I started with a simple camera in the 1990s, and soon it led to wanting something bigger/better, and eventually to having Clark Winsor invite us to join Poly in 2005. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made! I particularly like taking close-ups, or macro, of bees, lizards, worms, and butterflies to show people nature’s beauty that isn’t easily seen with the naked eye.
I enjoy photographing a broad range of subjects with a preference for nature and documentary-travel photography. My preference is to create images through in-camera processing where the final product remains the primary image captured in the camera. I love the art of “photographing” and capturing the beauty of simple subjects as well as the magnificent wilderness of remote places.
I take photos not only for what I see, but also for what I envision.
My photography shows my passion for life, energy and sunny outlook. Travel photography, photojournalism, capturing children and families in special moments is a true gift. I have been juried in several galleries coast to coast, including Spanish Village Art Center, Art on 30th, Front Porch Gallery, ArtWalk Liberty Station and International Wine Show.
Photography and video have been lifelong passions of mine. Whether I’m documenting a live event, or creating my own fantasy world of digital art, I try to capture the moment and present it in an artistic and creative manner. Judy MacLean-Fowler, President of the San Diego-based Women in Creative Photography.
As a scientist and artist, my main use of photography has been to document nature and as an aid to remember compositions or lighting details of particular interest. Over the last few years, I have developed an increased interest in photographic art – I especially enjoy macrophotography, landscapes, and images that capture story and emotion.
While photography has always been a lifelong interest, it is now in retirement that I have pursued a passion to learn and grow in my photography skills. I love taking images of nature, landscapes and wildlife with a particular interest in birds. I am currently the Vice President of Programs for Poly Photo Club.
I’m a landscape photographer with a passion for traveling and exploring new places while enjoying the great outdoors. Being around water gives me a sense of calm which is why one of the main subjects I love to photograph is waterscapes. I also love night photography, such as the Milky Way, star trails, and the moon.
I found my passion in photography in college when I borrowed a 35mm camera and took my first class in B&W photography. It was magical seeing the images appear on paper, and I spent hours in the darkroom. These days my favorite subjects are sunsets, animal portraits at the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, flowers and landscapes.
I have been serious about photography since buying my first camera in 1956. I enjoy Nature, especially plants and hard-to-believe fabulous flowers. I’m also attracted by “bugs” of all sizes, colors, and shapes. My greatest achievements in photography are the result of carefully planning a given scene to be executed on a table in my house. There, I can control the light and background. (Read more about Marietta in an interview here, pg 3.)
In my 38 years as a podiatrist in San Diego County, my best memories are of the sea in motion. Retiring to Western New York, I miss the ocean the most.
I photograph landscapes, villagescapes, and cityscapes, often choosing to focus on an interesting element within the greater scene, such as a flower or an old Italian public telephone. Creating and shooting still lifes is another love. I’ve won many awards, including in the San Diego International Exhibition of Photography. My images have hung in galleries, and in my own show overseas.
I’m fairly new to photography, having taken my first class in 2022. My focus to date has been on macro photography, specifically flowers, but I am excited by the large world of photography that I’m just beginning to explore. The Poly Photo Club plays a role in my exploration, providing me with a welcome source of inspiration, knowledge, and support.
My photographs provide a powerful vehicle for sharing evocative nature stories. I am especially passionate about creating artistic images of birds, flowers, and insects. My award-winning photography has been exhibited in numerous local shows and competitions and has been published in the book, San Diego’s North County Coast: A Photographic Portrait, Nature’s Best Magazine and California Garden.
Photography is a personal passion of mine, and I try to show it through the images I create. You can find me at Mission Trails Regional Park walking amongst the brambles taking nature images, or you will find me in my garage-studio setting up for still life images. It’s all good!
I am a late bloomer photographer taking it up after retirement. I shoot mostly wildlife and am especially keen on macro photography.
I am a retired dentist and used photography daily in my practice. Over the years I taught photography and cosmetic imaging to several dental organizations. The interest in photography started in high school as the yearbook and school newspaper photographer. Sedona Colors was taken while on a Poly Photo Club trip.
My photography focuses on nature, landscapes and still life from arranged natural elements. A former resident of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, I was elected to the Cape Cod Art Center as a juried artist and continue participation there. From San Diego I have participated in local, national, and international exhibits and competitions, receiving many awards.